Reading Challenge: The experience so far

I have now read 9 books for the reading challenge - getting ahead of schedule, which is fun. I have just started the book I have chosen for the category 'a book with over 500 pages'... This one has nearly 1500! But the characters are fascinating, and I'm already drawn in.

I have really enjoyed reading a wider variety of books than I would normally choose. While I enjoy quite a few different genres, I tend to read mainly classics, fantasy and detective fiction. I tend to avoid non fiction, especially biographies. So far through the books I have read this year I have read historical fiction, mystery, young adult fiction, a memoir, a biography, a glimpse into poverty in a particular time period, and a glimpse into deep grief and the impact it has on a whole family (contemporary fiction). So many new authors, or authors I haven't read in a long time! And stories set on four continents!

A few of the books have been very emotionally wrought, and it has been important for me to space those heavier books with some lighter or more hopeful stories. The woman who created the reading challenge I am working on has written about how she reads 100 books a year, and one of her strategies is to mix genres, and even starts multiple books before she necessarily finishes the one she's already reading. There have been a few times so far this year that I have started another book before finishing the one I was already reading, and it can be very helpful, to give your mind (and heart) a bit of space before plunging on with a heavier book.

So it will be interesting to see how long this 1000 plus page novel holds my undivided attention - or whether I end up reading a few shorter books of different genres in the meantime. Will I end up surrounded by books I am reading at the same time?

All I ask is a comfortable spot to read...


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